Typewriter is a web series on Netflix directed by the award winning director Sujoy Ghosh. We partnered with Sujoy to create memorable title credits for the show that set the tone for all the episodes in the series.
Sujoy Ghosh had a clear vision of the space in which he wanted the titles to be. Yet he wanted us to bring that touch of creativity to the opening titles that would pique the interest of the viewer without being overpowering. Cool titles, a happy director and some awards to boot. All in all a job well done we would say.
A surreal 3D model of the typewriter of the show, became the centrepiece of the title design that we designed. Animated to a hauntingly engaging track, it was exactly what Sujoy envisioned with a little "blink and you'll miss it" moment at the end that gave just the right feel of the story to arouse the viewers' curiosity.